An airport is a vital link in the chain of the transport system. In modern port planning, it is of paramount importance to have a farsighted development policy in order to keep up with the rate of expansion. In view of the consistent increase in the passenger & cargo traffic growth, the need for a new airport for Islamabad was realized since long.
Besides this, its limitation for further expansion to accommodate the ever increasing need of Air force which uses the airside infrastructure has also been a major drawback. These together with the noise pollution due to operations of commercial and Air force crafts is a potential source of environmental hazard in the surrounding populated areas. On account of these main reasons, it was strongly felt to develop a New International Airport at a different location to cater for the present need and to have a long term future expansion capability.
Name of Associated Firm(s):
The Louis Berger Group, INC. - Lead Consultants
The group provides following services for the development of the 3,200 hectares site, with 2,000 hectares devoted to aviation-related activities, and the remainder provisionally earmarked for commercial activities. Consultants’ scope includes Master Planning of the Airport, Assistance in hiring of Design Consultants, Design Review and Project Management during project execution. The key features of the airport’s provisional development plans are noted as:
♦ State-of-the-art facilities;
♦ Annual traffic – 6.5 MPPA;
♦ Cargo handling capacity – 100,000 Tones/annum;
♦ Key features include the following:
► Passenger Terminal Building;
► Air Traffic Control Tower;
► Runway and Taxiways;
► Apron;
► Airfield Services;
► Cargo Complex;
► Related Infrastructure; and
► Ancillary Facilities; plus
► Commercial Development
► Captive Power/Co-generation.
♦ Overall scope relates to;
► Feasibility Studies;
► Project Brief;
► Project Planning;
► Design Management – Control and Design Audit;
► Contract Documentation and Management;
► Tendering;
► Contract Evaluation/Negotiation/Award;
► Construction Supervision; and
► Contracts Financial Management.