The project consisted of twin bay single span hangar for two wide body aircrafts under block overhaul and annexe building to accommodate sheet Metal Shop, Cleaning and Paint Shop, Equipment Repair Shop, Offices, Cafeteria and Stores (Mechanically Operated Stores).
Detailed Design
Construction Supervision
It is constructed in steel structure with galbestos steel cladding. It measures 137 m width x 96 m depth x 40 m height externally with 137 m clear span, covering a column free area of 12360 meters. It has a mezzanine floor of steel structure. The hangar is equipped of three 10 ton bridge cranes and moving hangar tail maintenance docks.
Supervised the construction of the annex building. It is a reinforced concrete structure and accommodates related workshops, stores and offices. The stores are equipped with the mechanized storage system. The work included special floor, industrial outlets for water, power, steam, compressed air, etc. Supervised the construction of Parking Apron, Hangar Floor and pre-stressed concrete blast deflectors.
Foam fire fighting system, 400 HZ power supply, Sodium lighting to provide 400 Lux on Hangar floor is installed.