4 lane dual carriageway (61 km) connecting provincial capital city Peshawar with an important city Mardan of NWFP.
The proposed motorway is a four lane dual carriageway with a dividing median. Each carriageway has 7.30 meters wide asphalt pavement and 2.50 meter treated shoulder on either side.
Feasibility Study
Detailed Design
ECIL undertook following tasks for the above work at (1) & (2).
Collected and compiled socioeconomic data of the project area
Conducted traffic study/forecast
Carried out topographical surveys, identified alternate route
Conducted hydrological investigations & study
Geotechnical & material investigations
Soil investigations
Prepared preliminary design & preliminary cost estimates
Prepared economic feasibility which includes the derivation of benefit cost ratio (BCR), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net Present Value (NPV) and ratio of project cost for the first year benefits of the project to demonstrate the economic and technical feasibility, including testing the results of HDM model.
Feasibility report
Prepared detailed design & drawings
Prepared cost estimates & tender documents