The project includes:
Detailed topographic Survey, geometric design of the clover-leaf type of interchange at Zero Point, Islamabad
Collection of traffic data and preparation of report
Detailed structural design of the structures of the interchange
Supervision of construction of the interchange components
Investment Component:
Project financed through CDA's own funds.
The scope of work included in the project is:
Road work includes earth filling, provision of pavement structures, including sub base/ base courses and AC pavement over a length of 8052 m over intersecting legs and interchange loops.
Construction of: 1) Flyover - 1 No., 2) Loop overhead structures - 4 Nos., 3) Nullah bridges - 4 Nos. 4) Underpasses - 6 Nos.
The Consultants responsibility included:
Design & planning of interchange
Construction management and supervision
Planning/ Design of Cloverleaf Type Interchange at the location of Zero Point at Islamabad
Collection of Traffic data and Preparation of Traffic Analysis and Study Report
Preparation of Project's PC 1 Form
Construction Supervision
Description of Completed Tasks:
Detailed topographic survey of the Zero Point interchange site spread over an area of 392 acres.
Collection of hourly traffic count data spread over one week; analysis of the data and its projection to the design life of 25 years and preparation of the Traffic Study Report.
Working out the expected ESA's to pass over through design life
Hydrological investigations & study
Soil investigations
Geotechnical & material Investigations
Preliminary design & rough cost estimates
Detailed Design i.e. geometric design, pavement design, structural design of culverts and bridges, urban area drainage design, roadside furniture, protection works, etc.
Rate Analysis and Engineer's Estimate
Preparation of Project's PC 1 document
Tender documents i/c conditions of contract, specifications, construction drawings and BOQ.
Prequalification document for contractors
Construction/ Contract Management
Supervision of earth work for embankment
Supervision of pavement structure construction
Supervision services for bridges and culverts
Supervision of drainage & erosion work
Supervision of ancillary items
Quality control and testing of material
Checking & verification of measurements and processing contractor invoice
Monthly Progress Reports and Identification of problem areas and advising the client accordingly
Processing of contractor monthly invoice
Preparation of the projects original and revised PC 1 Forms
Processing of contractor claims